According to the latest weather forecast, in the next few days, most of Shaanxi Province is mainly cloudy with sunny weather, and the weather conditions are suitable for summer harvest and summer planting.
Specific forecast: On the 8th, the province was cloudy on sunny days; on the 9th, the northern part of Shaanxi was cloudy with cloudy days, and the Guanzhong and southern Shaanxi were cloudy with sunny days; on the 10th, the province was cloudy with cloudy days; on the 11th, the province was cloudy with cloudy days.
The Provincial Remote Sensing Center combines satellite remote sensing monitoring and recent weather characteristics to propose summer harvesting and summer farming advice: the summer grain harvested in the early stage should be well ventilated and stored to prevent mildew; local areas need to grasp the fine weather conditions in the short term in time to carry out the harvesting of the sun in time. Homework; some fields with poor grievances need to be planted, not to wait for rain sowing, so as not to miss the best sowing date; the field that has been completed in summer should be broken in time to ensure the smooth emergence of crops, and at the same time do the seedlings Timely do topdressing operations, spring sowing corn has reached the 5-7 leaf stage, this period is the critical period of seedling stage topdressing, local areas need to carry out topdressing operations in a timely manner.
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