Briefly describe the origin of the name of nylon

The source of the word nylon is not very clear. Since these two places are the first places where nylon is produced, many people say that it is composed of NY (New York, New York, New York) and Lon (London, England, London). But this argument is groundless. In 1940, DuPont said that Nyl was randomly found, while on was because the English words of many fibers (such as cotton, English Cotton) ended on. In an article published by DuPont in 1978, they also claimed that they intended to call it No-Run, but later changed it to Nylon, nylon in order to make it sound good.

Another common legend is that nylon is the abbreviation of NowYou, Lazy Old Nippon. The background is that a large number of cheap Japanese textiles hit Western society in the 1930s. Therefore, nylon is seen as a competitive product for textiles in Japan. Although the term nylon is very popular, it has never been used as a trademark or protected by a trademark.

During the Second World War, the Allies used nylon parachutes (previously made of Asian silk), and other military materials such as tires, tents, and ropes were also made of nylon. It is even used to make paper for printing US currency. Cotton accounts for 80% of fiber raw materials at the beginning of the war, and the other 20% is wood fiber. In August 1945, cotton occupancy fell to 75%, while the proportion of man-made fibers rose to 25%.

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