Tips: Inspection and Quarantine Reminder: Beware of safety shoes are not safe

In daily work, due to safety production needs often need to use safety shoes, as the most direct protection of safety production, the safety of safety shoes is particularly important.

Recently, the European Union has issued two announcements on the recall of safety shoes from Portugal. The reason for the recall is that the safety shoes have insufficient impact resistance and/or compression performance, and the shoes are put on the toe with the risk of injury. The product brands are No Risk Aventura Norfolk and Redbrick David.

Jiangsu Inspection and Quarantine Bureau reminded importing companies and consumers: First, to avoid the import or purchase of these two brands of safety shoes; second is to check the safety shoes label, whether to meet the safety standards of our country's safety shoes GB 21148-2007 personal protective equipment safety shoes Third, according to the work environment to buy the response of safety shoes, safety shoes on the market are mainly anti-mite, puncture-proof, anti-skid, anti-static, oil, acid and other functions; fourth is to regularly check and maintenance, regular cleaning shoe soles (especially insulation safety shoes), do not arbitrarily modify the structure of safety shoes. (Zhang Pengfei)

Epdm-Bound Pre-Dispersed Rubber Chemicals Masterbatch

Epdm-Bound Pre-Dispersed Rubber Chemicals Masterbatch

Ningbo Actmix Rubber Chemicals Co.,Ltd. (Ningbo Actmix Polymer Co.,Ltd.) ,

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